Doctoral Symposium
The 9th AIMAC Doctoral Symposium continues a tradition started in 2013 which aims to develop a supportive and inclusive community of PhD students and scholars, and to foster dialogue and future collaborations. In 2024, it will be held in Lisbon on the weekend preceding the biennial AIMAC conference, on Saturday 22nd June and Sunday 23rd June.
The Symposium blends paper presentations, plenary sessions, research sprints, campfire sessions and networking events. It is a unique opportunity to receive constructive and developmental feedback from established scholars in the field of arts, cultural and media management.
How to Apply
We welcome applications from second, third and fourth-year doctoral students from all disciplines of arts and cultural management. Places are limited to make the most of the learning and networking opportunities offered by the Symposium.
Please combine all application materials into one PDF file including:
- A short biography of not more than 100 words.
- A one-page summary of your dissertation proposal or expected dissertation topic.
- An application letter of not more than 400 words explaining why you wish to take part in the doctoral symposium and what you expect to gain from it.
- A curriculum vitae, including the name of your supervisor and (if already known) of the members of your thesis committee.
- A letter of recommendation from your supervisor.
Symposium fees include:
- Sessions, plenaries, lunches and coffee breaks on 22 and 23 June
- Evening drinks and nibbles reception on Saturday 22 June
We look forward to receiving your application by the conference website.
Applicants will be informed of acceptation decisions in 31st of January 2024. Those invited to participate in the Symposium will then be asked to submit a paper for presentation (maximum 6,000 words, in compliance with the conference submission requirements).